The first four articles are the abbreviated essence of this site, while the other articles are longer, more elaborate discussions of selected topics taken from the New Revelation by Jakob Lorber. All articles on this site were written by Albert Hoffmann.
The Spiritual Anatomy of Man: Body, Soul and Spirit (2024). For man to understand his surrounding and his religion he first needs to understand himself. For how can man understand his surrounding if he does not understand himself? (read more… 3 pages)
The nature of God (2024). It is somewhat ironic that the discussion about God is not really a religious issue but an issue driven by science. Most of the leading religions accept a supreme God figure in one form or another anyway. But it is not so with official science where the existence of a God for the most part is denied. (read more… 3 pages)
Heaven, Hell and the Afterlife (2024). A lot has already been said about heaven, hell and the afterlife in the various articles on this site. But the topic is so important that I felt it deserves its own brief elaboration. (read more… 2 pages)
The Human Soul (by Albert Hoffmann – Dec. 2023). When starting this article about the human soul, I was quite tempted to talk about the currently heavily debated mind-body problem which in essence can be reduced to dualism vs monism. (read more… 7 pages)
Intelligence, the foundation of matter (by Albert Hoffmann – 2019). The focus of this article is the micro cosmos (elementary particles) based on the teachings of the NR compared to the findings of modern science. (read more… 14 pages)
Structure of the universe (by Albert Hoffmann – 2019). In this article a description is given of the macro cosmos (universe) and beyond, as provided to us by the New Revelation, and how these statements compare to the findings of modern science. (read more… 10 pages)
Understanding Genesis 1 (by Albert Hoffmann – 2016). This article is an attempt to explain the true meaning of the first chapter of the Book of Genesis. Contrary to general belief, Genesis 1 has very little to do with the creation of the physical universe but is a description of the creation and re-creation of man by God. First as a pure spiritual entity and after the great fall also as a physical entity. (read more… 7 pages)
Credentials of the Christian Prophet Jakob Lorber (by Albert Hoffmann – 2015). This article is a collection of future events as foretold by the New Revelation between 1840 and 1864. The predictions include weapons of mass destruction, cold war, pollution of the atmosphere with hydrocarbons, destruction of the rainforest and subsequent abnormal weather phenomena, future scientific discoveries, and many more. (read more… 9 pages)
The Creation and Christianity – Another Perspective (by Albert Hoffmann – 2015). Beginning with the Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle who said science is everything pertaining to the senses, official science since then has become so obsessed with the science of matter that it forgot all about spiritual science which does not pertain to the senses. (read more…10 pages)
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